HOBBY STOCK Presents: MIKU EXPO Digital Stars 2019 is a club event where fans can come together to party outside of the HATSUNE MIKU EXPO 2019 in Taiwan concert. Bringing together musicians and DJs from inside and outside of the Miku community, Digital Stars 2019 aims to cross boundaries between genres, as Miku herself has done in the past. With local acts and special guests in store, come through for a unique lineup unlike any other! Exclusive Digital Stars 2019 merchandise from HOBBY STOCK will be available at the venue.
Illustration by Tsurushima Tatsumi
DATEMay 10th Fri. 2019
4:30pm - 8:30pm
VENUEKlash Taipei
*Minors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent / legal guardian.
*Photo ID is required.
FEATURINGDJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING a.k.a. Yuyoyuppe, 雄之助/Yunosuke, ゼーノ♪/Xenal, 3R2, 放歌小妹Erina, DJ Jeff Hazama
Hong Kong
DATEJuly 26th Fri. 2019
7:00pm - 11:00pm
VENUETTN This Town Needs
*No smoking inside the venue.
*Bringing your own food and drink from outside is prohibited.
FEATURING八王子P (Hachioji P), BIGHEAD, DJ NINJA, *蛍*, Emu